February 25, 2009
Return of the Prodigal
Welcome back. Thanks for the patience.
Lets see if we can infuse some life back into this place.
Alright, lets face it... I havent blogged in an eternity. No reason why not. Just been lazy. There were opportunities to say a few things here and there but i figured nobody cared, most of all me, and hence the inactivity.
So, if there is anybody thats out there keeping tabs through this blog, apologies for the absence, here we go again and a word of advise. Dont do it. Pick up the phone and call or send an email or chastise with a comment.
Right, thats settled then... Whats been going on?
Oh, so much....
First and foremost, i moved back to India..... I watched Adam Sandler's 'Happy Gilmore' sometime in the Nov of 07 and the scene where he yells at the golf ball " Are you too good for your home?" because it didnt fall in the hole, got to me and brought me back to my senses. Clearly a changed man, I bid adieu and (re)turned east, southeast actually. My mum calls it the return of the prodigal.
To sound pompous, i must say it took me a while to acclimatize back home. The pollution levels are way too much here in India, atleast in the cities.. I was coughing, having bouts of food poisoning, running a constant cold or temperature and having a general sense of being unwell for 4 months, no less.. It did have some good side effects though.
I was tipping the scales at 82 kgs but pummelled to the low 70s in a matter of weeks... Much like the sensex, i thought....
Any my folks appeared a little concerned about my health they werent too much on my tail on the progress, or lack thereof, in the job search front...
So i bandied around town, unquestioned, catching up on gossip from friends and family...Frankly, i never thought Vijay would ever score with Anitha (the lucky bastard) or the Raos will move out the neighborhood .. Junk stuff like that, you get the vibe, yeah...
Of course, i was coughing busloads of coughspit, when somebody brought irrelevant topics such as my own career, MBA aspirations or marriage...
And just like that, the 4 month sabbatical came to an end when i joined with LP in Bangalore and i will complete a year here come April end.
Nothing really significant has happened personally from then till now except my stock portfolio is down 50%... A couple weekend trips, a 5 day trip to Goa, a recent half marathon come to mind instantly...
Muchos have happened at a non personal level though... Sensex aside, I think i chose just the right time to come back..
Its been some year for Indians or what...good or bad.. things have been HAPPENING here...
Olympic medals, Sathyam scam, oscars, a Booker prize, a world chess champion, Mumbai blasts, Mahesh & Sania winning the Aus Open, Bangalore blasts, Ahmedabad blasts.... And of course, US just plain sucked, so nothing much to complain there as well.....
There were a few high impact moments like losing my grandfather, the missed heartbeats before reaching out to my Mumbai based uncles on 26/11, friends that lost their jobs, friends that are getting married... just gave the impression things have been happening AROUND me...
And then of course, there's Sourav's retirement......
Let me not kid you. I am a private, grown man and i was unashamedly bawling my eyes out in public when i heard dada was retiring...
Then of course, we'll see him in IPL. Thank god for small mercies..
Otherwise, nothing's been going on... Life is okay. Work is okay. I'm just happy to have a job during these bad times. There isnt much to look forward to except the 20 km weekly running targets, the weekend binge or goodboy sessions (depending on whether i am in bangalore or Chennai), a rare familiar movie on HBO and giving the eye to the girl at Wockhard hospital where we lunch... I keep telling myself that i will smile the next time but she doesnt catch the eye much, and when she does, she looks away, so.... Its familiar territory, i've been there before and know the rules and am applying it..... Lets just say that perseverance is the name of the game.
And i will try to extend that here as well, the perseverance part, that is...... You guys be generous with your comments and we'll see you around....
Let me sign off with this old crap joke somebody told me today at work....
Q. Why did the bank get bored?
A. Because it lost interest.
October 09, 2007
Manny's Blast
Francisco Rodriguez, Angles closer, trying to send this one to extra innings.
Manny trying to end this right here.
K-Rod steps to the 1-oh.
He fires.
Swing and a long fly to left.
Way back.
Deep into the night.
3 run walkoff homerun Manny Ramirez.
And the Red Sox have won it.
He stays on the plate, hands high in the air.
The Red Sox win 6 to 3 on a bomb by Manny.
Can you beleive it?
Manny Ramirez with an absolute rocket into the Boston night and The Red Sox leads the series 2 games to none."
Bet he is from the Tony Greig school of commentary..
Elsewhere, New York to be precise, a few nights later, three to be precise again, THIS happened.
" Joe Borowski at the oh- 2 . Yankee catcher Jorge Posada at the mound. Swing and a miss and he struck him out swinging. Ballgame over. American league Division Series over. Cleveland Win. The Cleveland Indians have eliminated the New York Yankees from the baseball playoffs by winning three out of four games. It is the indians who move on to the American Legaue Championship Series. They will play the Boston Red Sox starting Friday at Fenway park."
As us Sox fans LOVE to say : (Stolen from Jen)
A leaf out of the fairytale. Could not have scripted it better. The guy doing the commentary on the radio had actually got it better. Being the dickhead i am, i actually went to the MLB website to listen to the commentators narration when Manny let it fly...
" 1-oh.
Swing and a high fly ball.
Left field.
Manny Ramirez.
6-3 Boston"
I certainly did not want to jinx the Sox's run by talking about it but this is about as good a scenario to let fly by without talking. Its too tempting to resist.
By the way, I watched Manny's blast at the bar at the casinos at the Mohegan Sun reservation up by Uncasville. John had dragged me there for a nightout and i was down 150 early and was by the bar watching the last inning with other Sox supporters. The atmosphere was unreal. Both the leadup and the aftermath. All of us were already jumping up and down in excitement when they walked Papi. We started shouting and screaming and hugging and hi-fi'ing each other as Manny let this fly. "9 more to go" said the eternal optimist. "The better team won" said a frustrated yankee fan." We started a " Yankees Suck, yankees suck" chant that echoed across the casino hall.
They were saying in the news the ball was eventually found the next day by the shoulder in Mass Pike.
I was quite vetti at work yesterday and started to do a Red Sox collage. I will upload it later when i am done with it. It's quite not coming off the way i want and i dont want this post sitting in the drafts till then.
Lets go Red Sox.
8 more to go.
August 05, 2007
A feel good weekend
For no apparent reason, felt a little happy today. Which is a surprise because my gmat's in a week and the results so far dont give much to smile or be happy about. Nor should i be writing shit and wasting time when a potentially career and life changing scenario is around the corner. On the other hand, it just wouldnt be me if i was not fooling around at such a time. Wont speculate further...
Here's some news. I got selected for volunteering at the PilotPen ATP tournament in New Haven this last week of August. Which is very exciting, if you are me. Ever since i was a kid, i had wanted to be a part of the crowd that runs or organizes an event and when the opportunity comes to do that in a ATP tennis tournament, a sport i have been following closely and playing for close to a decade now, its hard not to feel euphoric. Who knows, maybe i could get to meet James Blake and take a picture with him, or hit on a practise court with Davydenko or some other pro... Wouldnt that be swell? Maybe none of these would happen but it will still be an amazing experience, so well done and congrats to me for that. I am going to try and write a daily update during that time, just as a personal time log. No promises though..
I guess that made me a bit happy. Then i got a couple of SMS' and cards from friends for Friendship Day ( I had no idea). What was nice about that was that it was personalized, not a random message to a hazaar folks who are all on your address book. That shows somebody took the time to remember and send a message and thats something i am very thankful for. Likewise to the people who sent them. They made my day.
Here's some dope on sports, we have KG here in Boston, how about that? I think i feel more happy for KG than for the Celtics actually. I have liked the Celtics always but thats that. While KG is the NBA's equivalent of Sachin. You cannot not like him, so you feel happy he's got a chance to the ring. With Allen and Pierce for company, KG and the Celts have a chance of winning a championship at Boston and how cool would it be if The Celts, The Sox and The Pats all win the same year !!!!! And to think i used to hate the Pats till they lost to Indy. Thats what a city can do to you, which is amazing considering not only am i not based in Boston but also that i have just visited it once while passing over. Didnt even stop by to see around.
On friday, i drove around town to return something i had got from Kohls. I hate trying out stuff in the fitting rooms of stores so i just buy them and bring them home and try them and if they dont fit, i go back and return. Atleast, i can be secure noone's watching a live feed, whoever be it, girls or gay men... So i went to return a sweatshirt i bought months ago (what was i thinking - it was summer retard) and they wouldnt give my money back - just instore credit so i had to buy something from them and as i was cursing at myself for being too shy to try stuff in the fitting room, i saw a BosSox Tee i immediately liked, so that and that helped raised my spirits a bit too.
Anyway coming back and to stop digressing, guess the real reason for my dis-despondency this weekend was that i watched a bit of TV. After like what, a whole fucking year. It felt great to get down with a couple beers and watch a baseball game on Friday night. Once again, I shouldnt have been doing that but come on, you put the beer in the fridge and give me the remote, what else am i going to do.. That felt great, even though the BoSox lost that night !!!! The minute my exam gets over, i am getting cable baby. No man feels complete without the TV and control of the remote (passive voice intended - I am wicked smaht)
And hey, how about the Indian win at Trent bridge, huh? Was that super or what? Especially since my man is taking wickets, scoring runs, getting bad decisions etc. so its back to business as usual after all the speculation and crossed fingers. Go Sourav, get that 100 at the Oval.
And on a finishing note, read that Sreesanth writes letter to God before every day of a game. Isnt that cute, and if you really think about it, a bit...... gay as well. Maybe, maybe not, who cares as long as KP's head successfully dodges Sree's balls !!!!
So, it was a good weekend...
Anyway, wish me luck on the gmat thing. I will need it BIGTIME.
July 02, 2007
So, you want music as well... Just tell me how !!!
Anyway, this post is to ask somebody with the technical knowhow to advice on how to play music on this page - like pages on myspace do. Not any music like supplying a link to some FM radio website (For god sake, i can do that myself). No, rather from an mp3 stored on a local hard disk.
What i am looking for is something to the tune of embedding a music player and providing the controls so those that wish to read at peace may do so and pause it.
Something as simple as this would do the job.
And think about the benefits - you get music along with the pleasure of reading this blog. It is a privilege people may not kill for, but definitely consider (and decide against eventually, but we'll cross the bridge when we get there). And to say the unsayable, you could play the music and navigate to other pages and it would just keep playing if you let this window open. How audacious that i could even mention it. The ball's in your court.
Making a big deal out of it, because am just too lazy to look around and do it.
Will credit advisor with a honorary mention as well as provide compensation in the form of a card or a song or beer - whichever you prefer. And as if all this is not enough, will come to advisor first on future projects.. if thats not a deal, nothing is.
So, get cracking.
June 15, 2007
Sivaji - The Boss - The Experience
I am I am I am.
Watched the movie yestday night 9.30 show. The atmosphere was just unbeleivable. Hardly felt like we were in US. The movie plex was running Shivaji in 4 theatres for a total of 12 shows and all were sold out. No hindi or telugu or other Indian junta too. Just a lot of hardcore Tamil fans, like really hardcore. People came in veshti, others had t-shirts printed with thalaivar's picture, even others had shaved their heads prompting catcalls of 'motta boss' from others and everything was taken in super spirit. The parking lot was full of cars blaring Adhadikaaran and Sega fighta in full blast, not unlike neighbours in india turning their volumes to show whose music system is better. The mood was just unreal. It felt like being in Chennai for Diwali.
In hardcore tamil style, we filled our pepsi glasses with Mr. Walker's black brand and polished off half the bottle while waiting in the parking lot and the queue and it was madness when we entered the theatre. Hardcore drunk and sober fans were running amok shouting ghumthalakadi ooh-aah and other tamil salutory/ celebratory shouts. Thalaivar shouts intensified, rocket's flew, paper money was thrown, bit papers and confetti tossed as if it were Chennai and we removed our shirts and waved it Sourav style blocking the projector (we were strategicaly in the last row) during rajni's into. There was nothing the Mexican projector operator could do to restore order. So he just caved it and joined the gala.
Coming to the movie part of it, the movie is two halfs. The first half is just okay dokey. Rajni's introduction was below par and the comedy in the first half was ordinary. Vivek's one liners were catchy but they were few and far in between and the set up to that was a small letdown.
The second half - more than, i repeat, more than made up for the first. It easily exceeded the hype for the movie. The second half was just rajni at his mercurial best. Okay, forget the logic, forget the story, Rajni's screen presence and acting has to be seen to be beleived. He takes over the comedy and its way way better than Viveks. The action, the drama, the fights, the background music, the mind dazzling sets, song picturization, camera work, special effects for the fights - you name it, was simply spectacular - just out of this world. It was a completely different movie watching experience - you just give it to Rajni - his action and style and appeal are unparalleled. Just bow to the master. Do i even need to mention the STYLE - one of Rajni's best portraying different styles - the man just continues to amaze.
And the songs - The picturization / video for 'Oru kudai sunlight' and 'Adhiradeekaran' . I had imagined kanna-pinna stuff for adhiradikaran and what i had imagined was nothing. That song is the best picturised song in Indian movies - EVER. Dholare from Devdas can go begging - such was the grandeur. And boy, has Rajni put some effort into dancing. Shriya is stunning. The background score, especially in the last fight (and the last fight itself) were a different level altogether... I cant use words to describe it, they will fall short.
And all this is child's play in a lead up to the last 30 minutes. Having caught fire in the second half, the movie just runs amok. It just takes a huge turn when rajni re-appears as Motta boss. I dont want to spoil it for you. You should savour it yourself, but the last 30 minutes where mottai Rajni appears alone is worth the money. Avan kannula oru veri, oru fire theryum. Oru thimir, machan - chance a kedayudhu. Seriously, pera ketta odane summa adhirudhu.
Some serious thinking has gone into it and it has come out just amazing. You have to be tamil oriented to get it, so its interesting how the reaction for the that segment is going to be in other languages but kudos to Shankar for thinking of that in Tamil. You have to give it to Shankar. I am not really a fan of the man but this movie is the real deal.
Overall, the movie was AMAZING. Just 2 words - Watch it. 2 more words - Right now.
Thalaivar rocks. Rajni is the best. Only Rajni (movie) possible.
Completely lives up to the hype.
Go with an open mind and soak it up.
May 17, 2007
Heavy Metal
BERLIN (Reuters) - A court in Germany has convicted three men of stealing over four km (2.5 miles) of rail track, weighing nearly 500 tonnes, to sell as scrap metal.
The court in the city of Marburg said Tuesday the men, aged 26 to 29, pretended to be working for the national rail operator Deutsche Bahn when they began carving up a disused line between nearby Niederwalgern and Lohra with blowtorches.
The three suspects, all Germans born in the former Soviet Union, had removed 476 tonnes of steel track by the time they were caught when a local man contacted Deutsche Bahn to check their story. (Talk about snoopy neighbours and neighbourhood pride)
The crime has become so famous that the regional education ministry has used it as a model for a math exam, asking pupils to calculate the weight, volume and value of the stolen steel.
This seriously reminds me of the time i was a fresher in my Engineering college in India. We had Mechanical Workshop Practicals where we had to file metal pieces, polish and bring them to shape (proper rectangle, triangle blocks etc...)
Me and my friend hit upon this brilliant ploy and used to collect and bring all the scrap metal pieces back to out hostel rooms, and after we did that through the year, we thought we had a fortune to sell to the street hawker who exchanges scrap metal pieces for date fruit.
Now, we didnt want to short change or sell ourselves so cheap for a years hardwork of sneaking pieces and carrying them to our rooms and safeguarding them in our lockers and dreaming of the money i will fetch.
So, we put the metal pieces we hd collected between us over the year in my friends travel bag, and took a bus to downtown vellore (sounds grand, doesnt it?) in peak May Vellore summer to a hardware store that would weigh the pieces and pay MONEY straight up. After much bickering amongst us en route on what to do with all the money we'd get ( i wanted beer and he wanted rum), we took solace from the thought we'd have enough for both and some more. The hawker weighed our pieces and gave us 15 rupees. 15 rupees for a years work of diligently carrying the pieces from lab back to hostel room, sneaking it behind the professors back, saving it from other friends who had similar ideas and taking the trouble of a 30 minute 2 bus change (@ 3 rupees per head one way) from katpadi, where our college was.. to vellore.
Boy, we had a lemonade each and made the return trip in without (local slang for travelling ticketless). The rest of our friends were eagerly anticipating us returning with hard cash that just not to let them down, or be the laughing stock later on in our college life, if they got the real dope on what happened, we had to shell whatever we had out of pocket and share a half beer and act drunk so the odor would carry through and the others would be convinced we had got some money but drunk it ourselves..
It was a very miserable day but we learnt our lessons: that petty crime doesnt pay. It served a purpose too. We were pretty put off by our initial fiasco we didnt have the heart to pinch resistors, capacitors, transistors etc.. from subsequent years labs. Turns out a good thing. They come at 10 rupees for 4 transistors, and you get the rest for fucking free.
April 16, 2007
And i cant sleep.
Been having trouble with my sleep lately. Been tossing and turning all the time. Having dreams. Real bad and irrelevant dreams at that. Weird thoughts go on as a result of that.
And its like a trend.
Im afraid im becoming insomniac.
Let me illustrate.. yeah, illustrate, now thats a grand word.
Recently, i dreamt of being at a dinner party with some Indian friends and during the dinner, a major fight broke out between the north and south indian factions. Because the South Indians had finished all the north indian snacks while at the same time chastising them for how tasteless they were and wouldnt let the northies eat south indian snacks.... or something along those lines. Real wierd.
So, anyway a fight broke out over that and i was made captain of the south faction and i was discussing the repercussions of the fight with the north counterpart. We were smoking a joint outside discussing the repercussions of the fight while our troops were banging each other indoors. Then we had another joint discussion (pun intended) and decided we should have another joint, i mean discussion, in 15 minutes while we went in and surveyed the damages. And when we entered, we found out the fight had stopped and everybody was all chummy inside and watching something on the tv, beer in hand. And then the north deputy (who they had all elected spokesman) told us the fight had been foreplanned and was a decoy to stop me from getting to the beers first. And everybody just laughed me out the party.
I woke up with a cold sweat. I ran to the fridge to see if my supplies are still there. You know, what do you do with dreams like this.. Real bad and irrelevant dreams.
So anyway, this has become a bugging pattern of late. And its cutting into my work. I toss and turn for 6 hours at night. I wake up at 6 in the morning, everyday. I dont want to wake up at 6 in the morning. It bugs me to wake up like that. All stiff and absolutely not fresh at all. Its the opposite of fresh. Anyway, i wake up and i say, you know, lets just get it over with. Brush teeth, bathe, freshen up a bit, goto work early, leave work early and sleep early and catch up on sleep tonight. And i go and brush my teeth. I am out of toothpaste and my apartment-mate uses Colgate and i swear those are the worst toothpastes ever made. I mean, you are looking for something to freshen up. To wake you up in the morning. A paste like Close-up wakes you up. It does something and sends some signals that tells the brain its a new day, so wake the fuck up...
I mean, just look at the ad. I love the Close-up ad. The dood is all drowsy when he gets up, he yawns and hits the wash and he puts some Closeup on his toothbrush and the minute the brush reaches his teeth, his eyes open up and he grins a very ugly grin, a grin that shows his day is well and under. It freshens you up. It sends the pulse racing. It makes you fresh just watching that. Colgate is the opposite of that. Yes, its the best toothpaste for germs, it prevents cavity, it has calcium and is good for the teeth but it does not wake you up in the morning. If they were honest about the product, this is how their ad should be. A zippy dude, who is all fresh and all, decides he needs to slow down and get some rest and sleep. So, he goes to the wash and gets his brush and puts some Colgate. The minute it reaches his teeth, he falls asleep. It serves a double, maybe even triple purpose. First it puts you to sleep instantly and the teeth are protected while he is asleep. That how their ads should be, not about some family somewhere where the grandfather is in his white kurtas crunching and spitting out on his pistachio shells with gay abandon... They should have a caption like ' Working on your teeth while you are asleep' or something creepy like that.
And its with this knowldege in mind, the old men prophesized 'Brush twice daily. After you wake up and before you goto sleep.' They wanted to add 'With Closeup in the morning and with Colgate at night' but they had just tested out Colgate and fallen asleep before adding to their prophecy.
And while i am at it, let me confess teeth and feet are among the words i hate because i always get confused about which is the singular and which is the plural.... Why cant they just say tooths and foots. Whats wrong with that? No, they have to say teeth and feet. Sophisticated asses. See, now that is simple because i dont have to goto dictionary.com to find out the plural of ass. But the Brits want to call it arse. The Brits.. dont even let me get started on the Brits.
So, i am just lying in my bed, tossing and turning, cant digest the fact that i cant get any sleep. I start thinking of weird things. During the initial bouts of insomnia and laying awake in bed, i used to think about how much i miss home and reminisce the good times with my uncles and all, used to digress how it would be to live like Holden Caulfeld and movies like Schindlers List and used to get really depressed as hell.
I think i am adapting to insomnia like a man these days. I can warm upto and face the fact that i cant sleep. I turn the lights on (I have repositioned the bed so the light switch is at arms distance) and start reading my favourite Irwin Shaw short stories. If Irwin Shaw cant put me to sleep, nothing can. I recognized this trait with Irwin Shaw. The way he writes, its like you are lying on your grandpa's lap listening to tales and time is never a factor, at least to me. You cant get enough. Anyway, to stop digressing, i would try to sleep again but the mind goes back to weird thoughts. Although the thoughts are better these days. I think of funny stuff like Zoolander, 40 year old virgin and burst laughing. I digress on why none of my friends can remember the name Djimon Hounsou. I spoke to 4 people and each time, during the closing phase of the phone conversation where we ask about books and movies (because you are out of things to talk, usually followed by weather and talk to you later) and we spoke about Blood Diamond and everybody was ooh,aah ing Dicaprio and i would say 'I think Djimon Hounsou was way better' and everybody is like 'Yeah, yeah. The black dude, right. He was good. Whats his name again?'
What do you do with thoughts like these?
Am sorry, what was the intention of this post... Yeah, about how i am getting insomniac.. Yeah.. And it affects my work. It affects the productivity and quality of my output, now thats royal fucking grand. Coming from me, because i typed this junk almost exclusively at work. Maybe if i try blogging when not getting sleep, i will sleep in a jiffy. Thats something to think about. Or maybe i should just brush at nights with Colgate. Maybe i'll try that too.
March 28, 2007
Visions for 07
Lets cut straight to the chase...
I told myself this year was going to be the year of at least 2 things.. fitness and blogs.
I set myself a goal of completing a few half-marathons atleast and penning some 35-40 posts by yearend. Nothing too aggressive. A lot of roadrunning over spring/summer and 3 posts a month. I am satisfied with the progress on the fitness side. I am not yet there, but i think I will get there. I have been running 10-12 miles and cycling 20 a week the past month. Cycling is on the off-days, when i dont feel like running.
Atleast, i shook the cobwebs and started doing something rather than just thinking about it all the time. And the exciting part is the months persistence. So, buoyed by that, i went and bought myself a pair of Nike running shoes and a terrain bike. Cost me 150 bucks between them and the people that i owe money to wont be too happy, but its alright, they don’t have to know. This is personal reward and i am a firm believer in that not only should you deserve anything in life, but also that, if you deserve it, you should get it.
I think i owe the credit to Mahesh for that really. Sometime last year, when i was sulking and seething at the transition, (which i will address in another post, - i have it in my drafts) and telling him how i was going to join a gym and concentrate on fitness once i got settled, he said, "yes mister, thats all fine. Why dont you just run the streets until then?" which basically translates to "Dont stand there just talking about it. Start doing it".
Anyway, its going alright for now. Spring's here and its not too chilly. The season may yet have its last bouts of snow, but summer is round the corner. So, longer days, decent running weather, thank you very much and and i have discovered a route around here, its got all kinda terrain. It is a linear trail for the most part and very gradually decreases in elevation for the most part and gains elevation awkwardly intensely toward the end, prompting me to think of it as my own
So, amidst all this old enthusiasm rekindled and put to effect, the blogs fell by the wayside. I have done 2 posts this year. So, i just started to spend a lot of time with the blog window open.. I played around the template and HTML awhile, i even did a couple JAVA feeds, basically diversions from what you set to do.. obstacles in the path of life.. (similar to why you would sit with any novel on exam eve). So, to shake the mental block, i scoured the archives and drafts to see if i can get any help there, and sure enough, i have a few, at least 7 works, not including the one on Sourav. (The Sourav one is LONG and i have braced myself into the thinking that i will never complete it until he retires). Even otherwise, seeing the draft works, Jacckpot, i thought. These buddies are just waiting to get published. I just need to alter the dates. I can catch up quite fast. How long is that going to take?? Very, as it turns out!!!
Let me tell you this. People of the old world weren’t too off the mark when they said 'Take a task. Finish it and move to the next". Because editing blogs from the past are no joke. They are harder then new posts. You can pen 2 new ones faster than the time it takes to polish an old one.
You know, generally, the best part about procrastination is that its endless and you can say you are saving for something to do in the future but the worst part is when you actually get down to do it, it gives a right royal pain to go make changes on the date and situation as applicable, as memory is a thing of past and erases itself fast (Holy St. Thomas), even more so, when certain events are manufactured and/or are improvisations. But i guess maybe thats what makes it more fun. Or not. We'll find out..
So, with that to retain your interest, I shall talk to you in the next post. Unless you call me before that, but why would you.
February 22, 2007
Left in the lurch by a lift.
That's how unthankful things to which you are thankful are, man. Lesson learnt in life.
I do like the biggest writeup anybody has ever done on elevators right, outside of research papers, that is, which are anyway similar to my posts because nobody reads either. And i have to say mine are better because they take less time to create.
Anyway, these elevators are starting to get all cranky on me. No, i didnt get stuck on one, not yet, but its just obvious im going to be one of these days. I mean, if the law of averages can catch up with Sachin Tendulkar, who am i?
'Moving on', i board this elevator in the first floor, right and hit 2. I get all cozy and stuff inside because there was noone else, and i was just enjoying my ride, thinking what an asshole i had been to write like 2 pages on elevators. If i had written it on the cow, who knows, maybe i could have shown my mom and she might have been pleased. Actually not, upon hindsight, as every kid writes about the cow at some point of time in his life.. how many do about elevators. ...
And so the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened, and i was stopped in my tracks when i started to walk out because thats when i realized that its gone to the basement. DOWN when i had said UP. Basement instead of 2. I started to freak out man.
Thats when i see its a cute Indian girl whose summoned it. Ah, a twist in the tale, Mr. Archer, NOT !!
And she just enters, doesnt say hi or flash a smile, no acknowledgment toward the fact i was already there or any signs of guilt or uneasiness about how her summoning the elevator had delayed me to........... well, something okay, i forget, not that its important !!!!!!!! Not even the "Where are you from
She just steps in and hits 1 when the 2 light was already lit up. Like she owns the elevator or something. Then she does the unthinkable, she starts to flip a file. Come on. Indians do not read files between floors. Its just not us. Moreover, like you can read it between basement and 1st... Whatever happened to elevator manners. I was gaping at her the whole time and she didnt even see from the corner of the eye if i was checking her out. All Indian girls do that. Where are you from
Okay i thought, i lost the battle, maybe i will win the war. Maybe it will take me to 2 first and then drop her at 1. That will show whose the boss. Moreover, i had just sucked upto elevators so surely they'll return the favor. I was ready to bet on it. No, it stopped at 1. If you want to hear the rest, like you havent anticipated already, she just left. Like she couldnt wait to reach to 1. And then the elevator, he is from the Thyssenkrupp family, (oh yeah, i noted that name), waited forever, like share auto drivers in Chennai do, to pick more passengers, found none and dropped me off at 2.
Man, I was demoralized. All i could was walk out and mumble like Zaphod "left in the lurch by a lift" while the doors slammed in my face. Thats it. Im moving my allegiance from elevators to... suitcases. Most of them even have wheels, you know.
That's how unthankful things to which you are thankful are, man. Lesson learnt in life.
February 14, 2007
Valentine Day Special.....
And the show was an interview about whether to celebrate the day or not....
And every now and then, we have a loser walk up and say 'Its stupid. Whats up with this expressing love on just one day an year. When you love somebody, show it everyday. This is once again just a big hype for marketing and advertising and people to spend their hard earned money on flowers, cards, jewelery and crap.. Thats what it is.. Half the people dont know about St. Valentine......." you know, sour grapes..
But again, every then and now, there is this kid that comes along where the interview about Shakespeare's Valentinian theory "To celebrate or Not to Celebrate" takes the following course..
Reporter: Do you celebrate valentines day(to aforementioned)
He: No
R: WHY ??
He: Why? Because i dont have a date, thats the fuck why....
That kid is me. A perpetual Helmet.....
For them that dont know about helmets, a helmet, although it is a a protective device, it usually (in modern usage) refers to a person that is either "not looking" or "prefer to say not looking" or "forced to say not looking" or "not having" (Stolen from somewhere on the www). In plain words, a helmet is a kid thats single, and whats important is that a helmet alone can steer an interview in the above course, that being one of the reasons why he is a helmet.
Although most people argue it should be 'helmetor' ( drawing a parallel to 'conductor' who conducts or 'driver' who drives, they shut up when we counter with ' What is the plural of fish?'). By some stretch of similarity and partly by the 'Same difference' principle, a helmet is a person who wears a helmet for not getting hurt when he falls down like this.
Helmets are almost always a flesh and blood male ( i dont know any female helmets and thats part of why i am a helmet), and most often, salt of the earth....
Anybody females interested in helping remove the helmet can contact by commenting below. All offers considered and most accepted.
(If you are a guy, do not even think of contacting pretending to be a lady who is up for it. I'm tired of that rubbish.)
December 08, 2006
Breaking News
Richard Branson of VIRGIN Airlines has offered to sponsor the Indian cricket team.
However, Greg Chappell has asked the BCCI to refuse the offer saying "There is no logic on this move. We can't have VIRGIN written on our shirts, when we're getting "fucked in every match"!
Sorry about that, but I am on a alltime time high coz of Sourav's return to the team and getting heady with it courtesy his initial success in a tour game. While what Sourav does on the field over the entire series will decide who looks like an asshole (himself or Greg Chappell/ Dravid), i think i would have absolute delight in kicking a man when he's down, especially if that man happens to be Greg Chapell, who conspired with BCCI to get Sourav off the team. So, this is my initial jab for that absurd connection.
Yeah right... basically whatever helps a Friday afternoon pass by. Im in that state that i would pay the clock to move that short hand to 'Five', if i had any money or if it was doable. Which is neither, so am doing posts like this. Yeah, this is my 'low five'.
November 01, 2006
Elevator Blues..
Before we start, let me warn you this is long and not without reason as this is the most comprehensive write-up ever attempted on elevators, if you include the outbound link, which I implore you to read after going through this in entirety.
Basically Mitch Hedberg is responsible for this as I was inspired to write a blog on elevators after watching his joke about elevators and escalators which goes thus: ‘ I don’t like elevators man. I like escalators, because an escalator can never break down. It can only become stairs. Escalator: Temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience”.
Elevators are a part and parcel of life, very important, next only to pizza, beer and computers, in that order. Douglas Adams recognized the role of elevators in everyday life and gave them their due in his book, ‘Restaurant at the End of Universe’ envisioning a hilarious exchange that takes place between Zaphod Beeblebrox, who wants to go ‘up’, and an elevator in the building, which insists on taking him down because it is an ‘existentialist’ elevator that can read into the future and smells trouble if it takes Zaphod ‘up’. For the entire exchange, click here.
(Well basically, all that song was for introduction about my various elevator experiences that I have been thinking of sharing for quiet sometime now.)
The first and foremost one was when, as a kid, probably in 5th or 6th class, I was accused of single handedly braking the lift at my uncle’s apartment in
The other elevator that I do remember is the one we had in the main building of my college in
Then there was this elevator at my friend AS’s apartment in Adyar that would start playing music within like a couple of seconds after you reached the designated floor. It was an obsession of mine to open the door before it could play its goddamn high-pitched music. I would be mentally ready and warming up by the time we were on the first floor, hands on the handle on the 2nd like on the mark to slam the door open upon reaching third. It was like a reaction test, a race against time. It was Me Vs. Elevator, rage against the machine. Of course, I never won. It always beat me to it. I have had nightmares about it before AS showed me how to silence it.
The mother of all elevators is the one in the new Engineering building at Utah Sate. It was like the fastest elevator on the planet if it ever closed the doors. Like you would enter it, hit 4th, and make tea and drink it before it would close the door. But once the door closes, it would take off like a rocket. But you can be smart about it, and hit the ‘Close Door’ button. If you remembered that, it was all right. I usually forget about that and wait for it to close by itself if an undergraduate bombshell from the Civil Engg dept would ride along although as is most often the case, whenever I forget about it, they always remember. There’s no such thing as ‘Stuck in an elevator with a girl’. Atleast, from my vast experiences in different elevators in different lands, and it’s a myth perpetrated by unimaginative movie directors and killjoy romantic novelists to introduce the hero and heroine. Even worse unimaginative movie directors use the situation to make the villain develop an interest for the girl, while the hero is the bellboy or is waiting on the next floor. That’s the pits!!!!!
Okay okay, seems this has become longer than I thought it would be, but there are so many elevators in my life that hold a special memory but there’s just this one last elevator I MUST talk about. It brought down the whole building. Yes, I am serious. Listen up. This was the one in the Merill Library building in
They held a meeting and decided that it would just be faster to tear down the building rather than wait for the elevator to descend the 4 floors. If only they had waited for that, the dear building would still be in place. Apparently, it was on time that day. But that’s the way it goes. Human patience runs out every time, and our impatience is better than only the vogons, who couldn’t wait a further 5 seconds.
All right, alright, let me wind this up with one last paragraph, a ‘psychological test’ as encountered everyday in life. You could take any 1 of the 2 roles described below, and in what capacity you relate to it from your everyday experience tells a lot about you as a person. So, with that info to retain your attention…..
Ever encountered the nonchalant-all-the-time-in-the-world-guy who sunnily steps into the elevator with a ‘howdy’ (especially if you are a pretty girl)? This happens like all the time if you work on the 9th floor, and definitely happens when you are running late for an appointment on the 14th floor.
Remember him? He gets in on the 2nd floor, waiting all the 10 minutes to let the construction worker get his cart outta the elevator. You’d be kicking yourself for not taking the stairs and bemoaning your luck on why it happens to you all the time. Meanwhile, the-all-the-time-in-the-world-guy would wait and/or help the construction guy to get his cart outside the elevator and take his place in with his ‘howdy’, as already explained. He would then press 3, whistling under his breath, to pretend that he didn’t get turned on by your perfume. Remember that guy???
I am he.
Let me sign this off in the way I have always wanted to end all my other works.
If you really liked this narrative and have your own elevator story (or other opinions) that you’d like to share, please write to me using the comments below.
September 07, 2006
Playing around...
I am playing around with my page and figuring out the "HTML" code (the geek in me has finally surfaced after 2 and a half years) making changes on the template and stuff, just the font and colours and sidebar and stuff, so the page might behave bizarrely over the weekend.
I am not asking you to bear with me and stuff, but just thought might let you know. It might after all probably serve as a reminder for me to finish fooling around and revert to original template if it has been a very long time.
Anyway, here is a pice of information. I visited
Anyway, thats abt it for now. So long.
Andre VS The Backboard !!!
Me and Mahesh were fooling around the tennis court the pretty much the whole of July. After an especially gruelling couple of hours on a sticky sunday afternoon, we thought it would be fun to warm down by hitting against the wall and having the other person video it. Oh, by a lucky chance, i had brought my camera along. Stroke of genius and luck, huh.. NOT - Because we had planned to video in the first place, and all that introduction was a load of bull... Anyway, i videod him and it sucked and wudnt be appearing in any forum in a hurry. But he videod me and i think it has come down alright. Maybe thats because i am a super player. Maybe. You never know. Anyway, watch me flaunting my tennis groundstrokes. Pretty neat skills there, especially those 4 back to back backhands, which the stupid wall kept returning. Must admit that i donot recollect having returned 4 continous backhands in play until now. Which could probably be because they never come back once i hit one, so there is my Brent-ism right there. Feel like you have seen that backswing and follow through somewhere? You have, if you have watched Agassi play, that is. All inspired by the great man, although i am a single hand backhander myself. I had titled it Andre VS The Backboard even at the time i had uploaded it on Google way back in July, so them sceptics that think i have titled it hence to capitalize on the great man's retirement, kindly take a backseat. As a last word, this post has no connection to my Thanks Andre post. Just thot might check out if the BLOG video link on the Google video page really works, and also if it did, it might be cool to actually have an embedded video playing on the home page. It is, isnt it? |
September 05, 2006

That is how the final statsheet will be recorded against the greatest player to have played the game. But the scenes and emotions and tears and applause and the mutual affection the fans shared with Andre can never be summarized in words.
When Becker aced one down the middle on match point to signal the end of Agassi era, 23,000 + courtside fans stood up in unison and gave the 36 year old retiring legend a heartfelt standing ovation that lasted, not 1, not 2, not 3, not 5, but the whole of 8 minutes and then some more.
Agassi's transformation is a great story. From the 16 something, baggy short sporting, long maned loud mouthed punk from Las vegas to the genial smile in place, soft spoken, shaven headed 36 year old in classic tennis whites statesman of the game is a success story that can hardly be matched. Along the way, he won a Wimbledon, a French , 2
Another fact about Agassi is apparently he is a very nice man to know and be friends with. He still has the same circle of friends he had when he was very young, and that he has taken care of them financially too. He has started his own foundation to help kids with education and college preparation in 2001 and has donated millions to charities endorsed by peers.
The impact he had on the game was in evident display from the innumerable moving moments from his farewell after his loss to Becker. Agassi's speech couldn't have been better if it had been read from a prescript,but yet, it wasnt and it came from the heart. “The scoreboard said I lost today. What the scoreboard doesn’t say is how much I’ve found. I found loyalty. You have pulled for me on the court and in life. I’ve found inspiration. You’ve willed me to succeed. I’ve found generosity. You’ve allowed me to stand on your shoulders to reach my dreams. And I will take you in my memory for the rest of my life.” That should go down as one of the greatest speeches ever made by any person.
The applause from fellow players was no less.
Fellow Americans Roddick and Blake showed their respect by bowing to fans in the trademark Agassi fashion of bowing and blowing kisses to 4 sides of the court after their respective wins. Blake even dressed up as Agassi of yore, sporting a white bandana and a black, white and neon red combo top to go with spandex shorts and matching shoes.
19 year old stalwart Rafael Nadal came courtside to catch a peek of Agassi's last game, as did 50 year old legend Martina Navratilova. Nadal and Brit Andy
Andre was given a standing ovation all the way along the passage till the players lounge, from where the players took it up. The ones in the waiting room and locker rooms stood up and applauded and appreciated the great man.
“The greatest applause that any person will ever receive in their life is that which comes from their peers,” said Agassi “ It's not like we're a company who's working together to accomplish something. We're people that succeed, in some cases, at the demise of the other. To have them applaud you is the ultimate compliment.”
Even the media snobs in the pressroom stood up in unison and clapped for Agassi, a honour never extended to any other player in the history of sport.
As for me, the greatest Agassi moment was not his last match and farewell, not the first
PS - I do not have the heart to put a picture of a crying Andre. He will always be the ever smiling and the most complete tennis player in my book/page.
Adios, Andre
July 28, 2006
Me Dupree
Six degrees is the theory that anyone on earth can be connected to any other person through a chain of acquaintances with no more than five intermediaries.
No wonder its a small world.
Here is my second degree of seperation with film star Owen Wilson.....
In his new film, You, me and Dupree, Owen plays Randolph Dupree.
Me myself, presently, i am a dupree in Randolph.
How's taht for a connection, now?
June 27, 2006
A small trip down childhood lane.......
Was doing Sudoku yesterday with a pencil. Did one of the squares wrong, and didnt have an eraser. I dont like crossing out numbers. It disturbs my analysis.
You know how they say " It all comes back". It did. Licked my finger to get some moisture, dried it a bit by rolling it with the thumb and rubbed it nice and slow on the square.
It still works. A bit of black smudge, but the 3 i had analyzed wrongly was a goner.
Happy and elated, spent the next half hour recollecting school days and kids i know and their antics. When i returned to the puzzle, couldnt help the feeling that a kid, upon erasing a square would have gone straight ahead and finished the puzzle, or moved on to something more intresting, like building a paper boat, rather than mull or contemplate about the day he took his first step or uttered his first word or fascinate about being an adult. The best part about kids is that they dont know they will lose their innocence when they grow up.
And as soon as i finish typing this, i am going to find an eraser, apply a little oil on my hair and see if the age old printing trick still works. After that, i am going to find a magazine, and draw moustaches and beards on George Bush's photo. Must admit i did that all the way till my 10th standard, with my personal best being the beard i gave to Khudi Ram Bose portrait in my friend Ankit's 7/8th history book.
June 13, 2006
Thin Slicing and Blink
I was watching the soccer World Cup Group E game against US and Czech Republic yesterday, and on impulse, started supporting the Czechs (and was extremely happy at the end of the day because i had backed the winning horse). I read a little too much into what caused me to want the Czechs to win, and here are a number of pros and cons for that with a confusing mix of personal experiences thrown in with a couple new flashy terminologies.
When it comes to sports, strong personal likes and dislikes for no rhyme or reason, i admit, is my nature. Making a virtue of it, it makes sport interesting to me. I can rarely enjoy any contest without taking sides. Most decisions are made in the blink of eye and then we prepare elaborate "Office Notes" to justify. There are centuries of human experience that goes into split second decision-making, the newfound terminology for this being ‘Thin slicing and Blink’.
This term has been coined and adopted from Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, a book by Malcolm Gladwell, in which he explores the power of the mind to make split second decisions, the ability to reach a decision without really considering all information at hand. In essence, it says spontaneous decisions are often as good as - or even better than - carefully planned and considered ones.
The pro argument for thin slicing is that it feels great when it comes off -- that is the kick of liking Agassi and Sourav before the world. You feel as if your son is doing well. There are many times, when i have silently bargained for a Sourav century for my personal score in a local match. Of course, many of my strong likes and dislikes result in egg on my face - examples being Steve Waugh, Sampras, Flintoff (whom all i dislike) and James Anderson (I thought he was the next Donald + Mcgrath, but he's not even in the side now).
My way of following sport is totally opposite to my dad's. He never picks a side to win or a player to perform. " That creates an expectation, and if expectations are not met, its likely to cause disappointment, plenty of sulking and a loss of interest. Thats not why you watch sport. You dont watch it for a person. You watch it because the game appeals to you. Follow the game and you'll love it more". Sincere and lovely advise indeed, but hard to follow. Maybe when i am 50, i can appreciate that, but right now, its cool pick sides, root for that side and live it up when they win or say ‘ the opponents fouled’ otherwise.
Not just sport, movies, politics or any aspect of life for that matter, where a hint of a contest between two forces may be involved. It’s a little different with music. An absolutely awful song might still sound unbelievably super because you might totally relate to the lyrics or vice versa.
Usually, I do a small recap of the day (at least the sober ones) before hitting the bed and I was surprised at why the ‘Blink’ method had made me voice for the Czechs. The only reason I could think of is that Pavel Nedved is one of my favorite players. I am not familiar with anyone in the current US football team. But had I made a detailed analysis, I might have viewed things differently. The Czechs mean nothing to me, while I have been in the US for 2 years now. I wont say I’m a big fan of the American way of living and all, with their credit system and social security and mainly, tax returns, but US is definitely far more tolerant and friendlier to immigrants than any other nation and I have had a pretty positive experience over the past 2 years, and somehow not automatically rooting for the US somehow made me feel ethically wrong.
As opposed to the soccer, when I relate a similar experience with another US team sport, I recollect wanting the US Baseball team to do well in the World Baseball classic. Of course, I knew all the US players there, but once again, I could say I was indifferent to other teams fortunes because I did not know their players.
In the book BLINK, Gladwell had mentioned how our ability to "thin slice" can be corrupted by our likes, dislikes, prejudices and stereotypes, and can be overloaded by too much information.
Anyway, it seems to me, the more I think about this, the more complex it becomes. And in an effort to cleanse my conscience, I am going to try to consciously support US in Saturday’s game against Italy. To consciously support a team is one thing, but what surfaces from the ‘inner you’ is another. I mean, there I could be, telling myself to support the US, but who knows how im gonna feel if Italy score first up? Something similar happened when I was watching a match between Federer and Blake. I was consciously supporting Roger, but within myself knew that I wanted Blake to win.
Probably, I should just sod all these terminologies, go with my heart, not explore for a reason as to why I chose what. Or maybe I should just plain just try remembering and following what my dad says.
April 04, 2006
All in a day's work

The picture is seating arrangement set up in our lab.
“That’s got to be annoying, huh” JM hollered across the room to JP.
“Son of a bitch”, JP yelled back, “ Have to move out of this lab. At least move this piece of shit out of the room"
" Why is it here and not it the other lab?" queried JM.
" They moved it when none of us were here." said JP.
" They moved it at night, huh, the bastards" said JM.
" No", said JP " They had moved it before any of us had started here. And its been here ever since because we havent moved it yet into a room thats unoccupied".
" But there are no more unoccupied rooms", JM retorted
" Precisely why we havent moved it yet " I ventured.
Not to be left out of this verbal volley, KH suddenly looked up from his PC and shouted “What?”
“Oh, nothing, they are just talking about the loud buzzing noise constantly emanating from the ice machine”. That was me to KH.
“WHAT” yelled back KH, seated a few inches away “I can’t hear ”
And that’s when I understood the joke.
JM still didn’t get it. He walked all the way to KH and pointed to the ice maker and said “That son of a bitch is too noisy”.
“What the fuck are you talking about J, why can’t you say it out loud? I can’t hear you” shouted KH, at the top of his voice. It was madness by this time. JM still didn’t get it.
“Don’t shout man. We were just mentioning about the ice maker and the noise it makes. Cant you hear it?” said JM pointing to the ice maker.
JM, sod him, still didn’t get it.
“I haven’t lost my voice. You have gone deaf and you are screaming. You cant hear the ice maker and you cant hear me. Anyway, its just mindless chatter. Forget it. Never mind” said JM, giving up on KH, and started to walk back to his desk.
KH yelled out JM’s name, and I mean yelled like 'He-man says HEE MANN' and cried “ If you cant speak up like the rest of the others, send me an email” and that’s finally when JM understood KH is impersonating a deaf guy to show how loud the ice maker machine was.
“Son of a bitch” he cursed KH, because the joke was on him and he didn’t find it funny.
It was a walk in the park for KH by now “What?” he asked.
“Mother fucker” cursed JM.
“Send me an email” said KH stylishly and walked out the room.
April 03, 2006
And while you are at it, can you feed the fish?
Thats when KFP stepped upto me and asked " Are you busy today afternoon?". Thats a trick question but i gave him the honest answer. "No" i said, regretting the answer the second i said it. I was thinking 'Here comes more work. There goes my Friday night', when he said " Can you get off a little early today evening?". Now, this cant be bad, " Yea, Sure ", i said smiling.
" Cool, can you then drop me off at the airport after work?". You know, i had played right into his hands, there's no way i could say no and anyway, the airport wasnt too far off. I had a feeling he practised this conversation before asking me. Anyway, i consented.
" So, we start at 4.30 and you follow me to my house. I'll park my car and pack my bags in a minute and then we can leave to the airport". I let him know that i thought it was a great plan. Afterall, he is lead researcher and a vice president. You hafta suck up sometime.
Things went by as arranged and at his place, he was packing and i was chewing the fat with him, you know, the usual " Where are you going? How long? Wow, cool" stuff. Thats when he asked me " Hey, i am gone for 4 days. Can you do me a favour? Can you come in for a quick second everyday and feed the fish while i am gone?" and without bothering for my response, he dragged me to his fishtank and showed me his fish and started calling them names and started talking to them " Marble" he said, addressing the leader among fish in his fishtank " Ram here is gonna take care of you when i am gone. Is that okay?". I started praying for Marble to say no, but that didnt happen " Marble says alright" he said, releived that Marble had consented. This left me thinking ' Who names his fish Marble? Correction, who names his fish?'
It was not as bad as i make it sound actually. He lives 5 minutes away and even for a novice, feeding the fish doesnt take more than 10 minutes. And so we rode off to the airport. The ride would have been better had KFP not seen it fit for me to manage his household for the next 3 days.
" I had arranged for my shower leak to be fixed tomorrow at 12. Can you step in at 11.59 and open the house for them and wait till they are done and lock the door after that? You know, you can feed the fish at the same time." How could i not agree " See, you dont even hafta come in twice. Combine the two tasks. Always, manage your time effeciently " he reasoned. I refrained from telling him that i woulda combined the two tasks myself anyway.
After a minute, " Son of a bitch", he exclaimed " I forgot to return the DVDs and books at the library and they are due today. Can you go back today, pick them up and drop them off at the library's drop off box. You dont even hafta go inside the library". I said i would and what a great coincidence, i was going to the library myself anyway.
" Oops, i almost forgot. The newspaper boy just throws the paper outside the door. Can you put it inside". This was followed by "I am expecting a package on Monday. I will send the tracking number via email. Can you be there when it arrives. It should be during lunch time. Even otherwise, can you step in for just a quick second?"
How would i know, he was just striking form. He ended up making a entire page full of 'Things to do' for me. Amongst other tasks, it said 'Water the plants, check the car, pick the mail'.
At the airport after i had helped him unload his suitcases from my trunk, he said " I hope i havent burdened you with too much work".
" Not at all. This is easy. Thanks for the note. That'll help" i said, fighting hard to not show the sarcasm. I was happy he didnt ask me help with his office work, like sorting mails and memos. That might just have made me say that i have other plans. Anyways, i was about to close the trunk and disappear when he said " You know, i arrive at 2.30 AM Tuesday morning. I know its an odd hour but can you pick me up at the airport and drop me off at my house. I could use a ride and catch up on my sleep" And no, he didnt bother for my respnse, " I'll send the flight number via email. See you Tuesday night, sorry Wednesday morning " he corrected himself, giggled, stubbed out his cigarette, turned away and started walking toward the airline counter.