December 08, 2006

Breaking News


Richard Branson of VIRGIN Airlines has offered to sponsor the Indian cricket team.
However, Greg Chappell has asked the BCCI to refuse the offer saying "There is no logic on this move. We can't have VIRGIN written on our shirts, when we're getting "fucked in every match"!

Sorry about that, but I am on a alltime time high coz of Sourav's return to the team and getting heady with it courtesy his initial success in a tour game. While what Sourav does on the field over the entire series will decide who looks like an asshole (himself or Greg Chappell/ Dravid), i think i would have absolute delight in kicking a man when he's down, especially if that man happens to be Greg Chapell, who conspired with BCCI to get Sourav off the team. So, this is my initial jab for that absurd connection.

Yeah right... basically whatever helps a Friday afternoon pass by. Im in that state that i would pay the clock to move that short hand to 'Five', if i had any money or if it was doable. Which is neither, so am doing posts like this. Yeah, this is my 'low five'.


Romit said...

yes! dada is back and we are in the game again. tomorrow the 'real' test begins.

abt the time moving stuff. have you heard that in space time moves slower. so if time CAN move slower i bet someday they will figure out how it can move faster. wat say :-)

vetty said...

How can time move slower?
Its time. Its one of the constant in our formulas.. yes, formulas