Lets cut straight to the chase...
I told myself this year was going to be the year of at least 2 things.. fitness and blogs.
I set myself a goal of completing a few half-marathons atleast and penning some 35-40 posts by yearend. Nothing too aggressive. A lot of roadrunning over spring/summer and 3 posts a month. I am satisfied with the progress on the fitness side. I am not yet there, but i think I will get there. I have been running 10-12 miles and cycling 20 a week the past month. Cycling is on the off-days, when i dont feel like running.
Atleast, i shook the cobwebs and started doing something rather than just thinking about it all the time. And the exciting part is the months persistence. So, buoyed by that, i went and bought myself a pair of Nike running shoes and a terrain bike. Cost me 150 bucks between them and the people that i owe money to wont be too happy, but its alright, they don’t have to know. This is personal reward and i am a firm believer in that not only should you deserve anything in life, but also that, if you deserve it, you should get it.
I think i owe the credit to Mahesh for that really. Sometime last year, when i was sulking and seething at the transition, (which i will address in another post, - i have it in my drafts) and telling him how i was going to join a gym and concentrate on fitness once i got settled, he said, "yes mister, thats all fine. Why dont you just run the streets until then?" which basically translates to "Dont stand there just talking about it. Start doing it".
Anyway, its going alright for now. Spring's here and its not too chilly. The season may yet have its last bouts of snow, but summer is round the corner. So, longer days, decent running weather, thank you very much and and i have discovered a route around here, its got all kinda terrain. It is a linear trail for the most part and very gradually decreases in elevation for the most part and gains elevation awkwardly intensely toward the end, prompting me to think of it as my own
So, amidst all this old enthusiasm rekindled and put to effect, the blogs fell by the wayside. I have done 2 posts this year. So, i just started to spend a lot of time with the blog window open.. I played around the template and HTML awhile, i even did a couple JAVA feeds, basically diversions from what you set to do.. obstacles in the path of life.. (similar to why you would sit with any novel on exam eve). So, to shake the mental block, i scoured the archives and drafts to see if i can get any help there, and sure enough, i have a few, at least 7 works, not including the one on Sourav. (The Sourav one is LONG and i have braced myself into the thinking that i will never complete it until he retires). Even otherwise, seeing the draft works, Jacckpot, i thought. These buddies are just waiting to get published. I just need to alter the dates. I can catch up quite fast. How long is that going to take?? Very, as it turns out!!!
Let me tell you this. People of the old world weren’t too off the mark when they said 'Take a task. Finish it and move to the next". Because editing blogs from the past are no joke. They are harder then new posts. You can pen 2 new ones faster than the time it takes to polish an old one.
You know, generally, the best part about procrastination is that its endless and you can say you are saving for something to do in the future but the worst part is when you actually get down to do it, it gives a right royal pain to go make changes on the date and situation as applicable, as memory is a thing of past and erases itself fast (Holy St. Thomas), even more so, when certain events are manufactured and/or are improvisations. But i guess maybe thats what makes it more fun. Or not. We'll find out..
So, with that to retain your interest, I shall talk to you in the next post. Unless you call me before that, but why would you.
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