July 30, 2004

LIFE, or is it EFIL....

Romit sends me this fwd, and its just too good to just let it go and delete it. Although, as with other Romit stuff, of which crap is a vital ingredient, this one makes you wish it could be the way things work. Sounds awesome on paper, just like our Indian cricket team. A fun read.

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends.
I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death ! What's that, a bonus?!?
I think the life cycle is all backwards.
You should die first, get it out of the way.
Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School.
You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!!

July 26, 2004

on a few things...

Well, after the last post, i havent done much, actually nothing at all.
I screwed up on the experiment, of course, i had nothing to do with it, it screwed itself by itself, if thats ever possible.
All my determination to not drink beer this weekend became a blur as i once again ended up with my beer last night. Honestly, i keep saying to myself, not to drink every weekend, but i end up doing it. Drink little, or drink lots, a pint is still a pint, and the drink is still bitter. I really have to walk my talk ( which i have with myself) and come what may, im not drinkin a drop this weekend.

Did go and play the most unmeaningful game of cricket i have ever played all my life today evening. I get out for scores of 2, 0 and 1 in the 3 games we play today, and i can definitely do much better than that. Should i stop playing cricket too?

While on cricket, its damn sad to see the Indian team goof up against Pak last night, and gladly, i wasnt watching the match, although upon hindsight, i would have really loved to watch that six of sourav off shabbir. Plenty better, as for the first time in his life, Arvind gave an inch and actually accpeted sourav as good. The amount of emails we exchange over that hardly makes sense, but its still a good timepass, and i am one in for an arguement, when in mood.
And then i became this mighty glad when Joo sends me an offliner. I start writing her a real long mail, but then get bored midway, so abandon it altogether, and send her a " im fine, howdee ?" offliner.

And i mail the groups for the first time in my life today. And then i ask myself a 1000 times " Why did i do it?". I shud not keep it going, because going by original standards, i am always mute to mails, why change now? I mean, i mail arvind & co. about Sourav and stuff, i mail Payal all the time, i mail my uncle oftentimes, and as if that aint enuff,i start writing Joo this real long reply, and the groups too.I shud make a consious effort to not mail everybody about everything.

Latest news is the Indian restaurant is finally opening in Logan tomorrow. More Food for thought, i,e. if u r hungry..!
I still dont know why Indians still go gaga over Indian food in restaurants after coming to US? Honestly, i don't have a problem with American food. Its cheaper, quicker and more convenient. But we ended up blowing nearly 300 bucks on Indian food on that Phila Trip, which was more than i could afford..I protested, kicked, and even cried but the way these guys take to Idly sambar is worse than fish does to water. Yeah, i mean, i love Idly sambar, but no way am i spending 10 bucks on it. And one thing you cant do with my friends is reason and make them see light and sense, because they do not have one. And they call me too americanised just because i voice against Indian food at an eatout. Now come on, gimme a break, while u take one urself too. I just nod my head, let them have the pleasure, and follow them into the restaurant and let myself loose on the Idlies. They taste terrific.

Back here, one of my friend persuades me to take a meal plan for lunch everyday @ the indian restaurant for a 100 bucks a month. That really tips me off, and i say a "no way" to him, and he is clever enuff to realise that i cant be persuaded into it, and leaves it at that.
Why,after all, you guys eat Indian food everyday at home? Really, is everybody foolish, or, is it just me that has gone bonkers/bananas/nuts and spices, what not?

We watch thalapathi in the evening ( for the nine hundred and thirty eight thousand, fourty seventh time) and me and Magathi go for a walk, whn she really starts to crap about her indian trip and how great it was. I just say " Wow, thats great" to everything she says, and refrain from telling her some of the things we did at Phila, NY and Niagara. Anyways, i like to talk to her, and we crap on a lot, from transistors to rockyroad icecreams. That was the best conversation i have ever had in weeks.
Upon hindsight, actually not. Me, prasanna and Ved get into this real cool conversation last night where we discuss Yoga, Voodoo, ghosts, spook, and even the sabrimala Jothi, books, movies and cricket. That one was also good.
So much to talk about, so less time on the hands. Its 1.20, and i better go and get sum sleep lest i am late for tomorrow. Thats sumthing i really hate, being late, it really sucks.

July 21, 2004

My first

Well, now that im into blogging, goodness knows what else i will refrain from, and frankly i dont care.