September 21, 2004

My idea of a poem- Beer, we love you!

To celebrate the Poms victory o'er the Aussies
And to mourn our loss to the Pakis,
Did me and me girl write a poem, wearing our khakees,
By the completion of which i hope to get us both out of our jockeys!

Its on our passion by name Beer,
By which my life is centered i swear,
And helps me take life in the 5th gear.

Here goes!

As our love grows, my little dear,
I behold u as memory flows; beside u, my sweetest beer
I kiss ur head, as the magics flow,
A KISS long indeed, yet slow u make the stars glow.

So many nights we spend together,
In freakin' Logan's god-damn weather,
U got me pals with great endeavor,
And courage to fight one without a shiver!

Getting tastier at night if ur a Draft,
Like a woman's touch on a man's shaft,
U put me in Fantasy Island with no raft,
Where I shamelessly explore my craft!

Through relationships, and uncomfortable
Get-togethers, i knew u were ther,
And thanks, I and U make an excellent pair!

If anyone dares to take u my dear,
I swear I'll cut his #$#$# to a hemisphere,
And if u leave, breaking my heart with a tear,
Dun do that, feels like a Spear
Stuffed into my rear.....

Get on me BUDdy and play it right,
Be worth the money i spend every Friday night.
Sit beside me to watch the mock fight,
Between Henry, Miller and their Bud 'Lite'!

Fosters, Kingfisher and Red stripe,
The Irish Red makes me reach out for my pipe,
Dearest Guinness,Without you, my life would be a major fright,
Fosters, Zingaro, Heineken...I love you allright.

I know you are cheaper by the dozen,
I meet you all in my haven,
Such is our bond, very intricately woven,
And without doubt, you are better than any lousy women.

ITss getting late as i stare at u Honey.....
I gotta crash as ive got no more money...
Standing beside me is the biggest bunny...
Worth no more then a red penny!

The drafts are lovely dark and deep....
As i go downtown, i remeber the promises to keep,
And gulps to go before i sleep...And gulps to go before i sleep...
And gulps to go before i sleep...

Grab the nearest beer and celebrate the Poms victory. A toast to
Vaughan and his men.


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