September 07, 2006

Andre VS The Backboard !!!

Me and Mahesh were fooling around the tennis court the pretty much the whole of July. After an especially gruelling couple of hours on a sticky sunday afternoon, we thought it would be fun to warm down by hitting against the wall and having the other person video it. Oh, by a lucky chance, i had brought my camera along.
Stroke of genius and luck, huh.. NOT - Because we had planned to video in the first place, and all that introduction was a load of bull...

Anyway, i videod him and it sucked and wudnt be appearing in any forum in a hurry. But he videod me and i think it has come down alright. Maybe thats because i am a super player. Maybe. You never know.

Anyway, watch me flaunting my tennis groundstrokes. Pretty neat skills there, especially those 4 back to back backhands, which the stupid wall kept returning. Must admit that i donot recollect having returned 4 continous backhands in play until now. Which could probably be because they never come back once i hit one, so there is my Brent-ism right there.

Feel like you have seen that backswing and follow through somewhere? You have, if you have watched Agassi play, that is. All inspired by the great man, although i am a single hand backhander myself.

I had titled it Andre VS The Backboard even at the time i had uploaded it on Google way back in July, so them sceptics that think i have titled it hence to capitalize on the great man's retirement, kindly take a backseat.

As a last word, this post has no connection to my Thanks Andre post. Just thot might check out if the BLOG video link on the Google video page really works, and also if it did, it might be cool to actually have an embedded video playing on the home page.

It is, isnt it?


Romit said...

wat link?

vetty said...

If you goto and play any video, you will see there is a link to Blog the video.

If video google supports blogger, which it does, you hafta login and follow directions there which will link the video to your blog page with the video embedded on the mainpage (Like it does in my 'Andre VS Backboard' post where the video plays on my page rather than taking you to video google page), vis-a-vis supplying a link which will take you away from the page (In the 'coffee' entry in the Borrowed World page, the link will take you to Youtube - as in, take you to a different page), although i just found that youtube supports blogger too, and embeds videos on your page. (Phew! That IS a long sentence)

The long and short of it is that its just another ploy to keep the interested visitor in home territory and not allow to drift away.. Get it?

Anyway, isnt that what you are asking about?

Romit said...

that was a good explanation.

but not what i was asking. all i say is that there is no link/video on your site that I can see.

(unless its hidden or something)

vetty said...

what do you mean, no video?
i see an embedded video player when i visit my blog without logging in..

no, its not hidden or anything, i'll check settings again, meanwhile, try accessing the www over an unrestricted server.