October 27, 2005

Was Lord Rama for real ?

Somehow, i have a problem believing in God, basically because it’s all stupid mythology. Of course, i do visit temples and say a quick prayer fore rising n shining and i want to beleive god is for real. But i just cannot come around to that kind of conclusion in the absence of solid proof. It really doesn’t bother me much anyway.

This entry is based on an article which claims Lord Rama was for real and he roamed the stretch of India. Actually, it’s pretty interesting. The author has used references from Valmiki's work (The sage who wrote Ramayana) and had gathered data about the position of stars and planets. Valmiki apparently happened to be an astronomer par excellence and had recorded the positions of stars and planets during major events/ incidents in Rama's life. Data thus gathered had been fed into a software which returns the date at which such a position of planets and stars could have been rendered possible. They have used the returned/ processed output (the date, basically) and cross-checked it with other references to Rama's life and found them to be accurate. I think that’s a cool research.

Apparently, these findings support what had been discovered sometime ago, by NASA, which published satellite pictures and provided proof for a bridge along the Palk Strait, between India and Lanka, which these guys claim was constructed by none other than Rama and his army of monkeys.

It all sounds alright, but somehow the sceptic in me seems unalterable. Or probably, i have already lost too much faith. Anyway, it’s not a big deal for me. I think i will beleive it when it appears as a published article in a reputed research journal. And the scepticism basically stems from an unshakeable beleif in Murphy's and Sod's laws, and Murphy's Law of Research does state that "Enough research will tend to support whatever theory."

I had earlier attached the entire article, but it is too lengthy. This research work was apparently done to prove Lord Rama was for real so that proof could be offered to the youth of India so that they can scientifically believe in God. My strong suspicion is that this research was done just to motivate the people and show them that it was the British influence that took away the belief, instilled caste systems etc. and why the British ass must be kicked. Basically, that was what the article was for. To offer reason as to why the British ass must be kicked!!


Romit said...

Ramayan was an epic.
But any more such epic'al' blogs from you... im gonna stop readin your blog :-)

vetty said...

I see ur point. Only Diwlai seemed to be a rather approp time to fluke this post off.

Jokes aside, didn't you find the research/ study fascinating?

Romit said...

Nice study.

But it’s like this.

Every once in a while you come across an article with irrefutable proof that such and such things happened.

'According to Sweinhofer's 37th theorem on intergalactic distances ty0-45l-0.0098u is equal to the distance between the Jerusalem and Constantinople and hence, clearly the chicken and not the egg came first'

However nice or feel good it is I somehow always remain skeptical.

I'm not saying that Ram did not exist. I feel he was a big king and all and people wrote stories about him. And over a period of time stories got distorted and people started projecting him as GOD.

Read the 'Bible Code' and he'll say, as usual with concrete evidence, that the Bible a software code given by GOD for us to decipher once we invent/discover computers!

vetty said...

You ass!
I posted it because i found the study intresting.
You only have to read my voice to see that i am skeptic, and wont give it a second thought even if god were to resurface.

But while we are still at it, publish the proof, and not merely the statement, on Sweinhofer's 37th. Sounds fascinating.
I have a draft coming up next which proves ' Hell is hot'