August 02, 2004

early morning and coffee

I dunno why im doing this...
I get up like this 7 in the morning on monday, after having gone to sleep like this 5 hours ago, and i cum straight to blog after a nice jog and a strong coffee.Not good at all- i mean the blog aint good at all.
Today aint not so bad. Yestday - sunday and i spend the whole of it sleeping in bursts of 3 hours and 4 hours like all day long and dont really get outta bed b4 i go to play that stupid game in the evening.

I aint not tired and 5 in the mornings is good..immediately after this,i am heading to lab and then the library, and the vicious circle starts all over and runs in a cycle for the whole week.Am fed up with it.
But, this moment right now - am feeling pretty vokay. The early morning wake up was great, the jog better, and there, now i hit home the truth why i am feeling so definitely has got sumthing to do with that coffee i had.

God knows what coffee has in it, but then it makes me this extra-cheerful. It has to have a strong stimulant, and one of these days i am gonna hafta join a network of bloggers abt coffee and find out for real what makes it so addictive.
And frankly, i am drinking too much coffee these days. 5-6 coffees over a period of 9 hours is no good, and that is hard to break away from due to the fact thats its free, ready and at a very proximal location from my workbench. No easy way out.

I been like this drinkin coffee all my life. My mom used to smuggle me coffee even when my dad wud give instructions to keep me on this complan boy diet ( i hated it just because he asked me to drink it).
Getting back, i have always appreciated my coffee and like it dark, strong and not so bitter not so sweet,and of corse, steaming hot.
The coffee i drink these days are watered down, creamed, and are the types i wuda thrown down the sink in India.

But i take to them these days, and when i think about it, upon retrospect, i am no surer of whether i will appreciate that fresh milked filter coffee anymore.
I guess i shud not get into more detail abt this one...anyway, what is the need to fuss about? I have my coffee, and it stimulates me and keeps me goin....Why shud i hussle and get harrowed over one of the few things i really enjoy.

Makes a duece lotsa difference to the way a day starts in a guys life, doesnt it, coffee?
Time for another cup..

Freaking son of a colonel, its a monday morning...withdrawl symptoms? plenty...
Gonna be a long day today and i should make a consious effort to not drown myself in coffees nor rely simply upon coffees to keep me awake, fresh, up and running...!

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