December 25, 2004

The Larry Darrell in me

Within one paragraph it explains life......

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon champion was dying of CANCER.

From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?

To this Arthur Ashe replied" The world over -- 5 crore children start playing tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?" Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u Strong, Sorrow keeps u Human, Failure Keeps u Humble, Success keeps u glowing, but only God Keeps u going."

Indeed, twas a heart rendering quote from Arthur Ashe(about him being selected
by God for the AIDS infection as well as the Grand Slam trophies he

But thinking a little more along these lines, you start wondering...

Who selected the 3,000+ to die at Pearl Harbour?
Who selected the 3,500+ to perish at the WTC on 9/11?
Who selected the 10,000+(still counting) to suffocate and die at Bhopal when the gas leaked?
Who selected the thousands (couldn't count) who were burnt alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki when US dropped the Bomb?
Who selects the Iraqi civilians, US Soldiers, Palestinian babies to die every day?
Who selects the Millions of jews to be traumatized ever since and prior to WW2?

Did God intend to punish all these victims? Were all their prayers insufficient to save them?

Most importantly, there may have been some/many survivors in each of those incidents and it is easy to attribute their stories to the good God.

Is there really a god? Its a perfectly safe question to explore, talk pro and con about, but which can never really be answered.

Thats the stupidest thing really you know. Let us, just for arguement sake, say there is no god. Which means, no religion. That eliminates all the fights/war going on in the name of religion from Gujarat to Gaza strip. There wudnt have been a bombing of the towers. America wudnt have got a reason to goto war, so no war in Irag either. That, i say saves half the problems the world is facing with.

Like they say, explore both sides of the coin. Would the starters/instigators of war made peace and drank from each others cups had they not been supplied with a reason not to war? Wouldnt they find some other reason to goto war? Do you think and beleive Hitler wudnta attacked people of Poland had there been just one/no religion, i,e if he dint have the readymade excuse as the flagbearer to eradicate all jews. And then you biol down to people from the same land/religion. What is their basis? If there aint no basis, would the men of the land wager against the women? Thats how stupid it all is.

Science has shown that evolution is a much more credible basis for mankind than creation. So much for the credibility of religion.

Just one of these days, you kinda feel some science freak gets fed up with all this shit and impersonates god by simulating a ray of light to appear divine in fronta religous seers and say " I AM NOT TRUE. AND, SO ARENT THE OTHERS. SO GO THE FARM AND DO A HONEST DAY'S JOB".The seer wud claim " I have seen the light, and its a lie." How funny would that be? And think abt it, some of them seers would be seeing the action in some prison cell and people wud stone his retarded self to death thinking he's gone crazy when he utters sumthing like that, when actually he is making sense for the first time in his life. The fault lies with the masses too. They just cant beleieve and buy the truth, bcos lies are less complicated and change is not easy to accept.

Why shud such thoughts occur on christmas day?

It really is time to say my prayer to god on the gospel...
" This new year, and every new year on, may all wars be closed and bars kept open".

1 comment:

Romit said...

Read 'Angel and Demons' - Dan Brown, if you havent already. More food on GOD and SCIENCE.