November 04, 2004

Russell Peters..

Was watching Russell Peters stand up comedy last night.
He is an ABCD and he is very good.

So, like this show gets intresting and he talks a jib at everyone he cud think abt.
Immigrant indians/chinks/mexicans/blacks/whites..the whole lot.

The best part was when he addressed the ladies to take a few chances, explore and sleep ard a little, to overlook color of skin/nativity issues and just go sleep if you want to.
Like he says" India and China are the two largest populations in the world, and there is no space for more of them in their own country. So, all you other guys, you may hide now, but sooner or later, we are gonna hunt you down and hump you".

So " I say we take it in the right spirit and start humping each other now. Kinda prepare for the eventual mass-humpin".

There's this Spanish gal im eyein . Should i show the show to her?..

1 comment:

Romit said...

What are you waiting for? Apocalypse?