Francisco Rodriguez, Angles closer, trying to send this one to extra innings.
Manny trying to end this right here.
K-Rod steps to the 1-oh.
He fires.
Swing and a long fly to left.
Way back.
Deep into the night.
3 run walkoff homerun Manny Ramirez.
And the Red Sox have won it.
He stays on the plate, hands high in the air.
The Red Sox win 6 to 3 on a bomb by Manny.
Can you beleive it?
Manny Ramirez with an absolute rocket into the Boston night and The Red Sox leads the series 2 games to none."
Bet he is from the Tony Greig school of commentary..
Elsewhere, New York to be precise, a few nights later, three to be precise again, THIS happened.
" Joe Borowski at the oh- 2 . Yankee catcher Jorge Posada at the mound. Swing and a miss and he struck him out swinging. Ballgame over. American league Division Series over. Cleveland Win. The Cleveland Indians have eliminated the New York Yankees from the baseball playoffs by winning three out of four games. It is the indians who move on to the American Legaue Championship Series. They will play the Boston Red Sox starting Friday at Fenway park."
As us Sox fans LOVE to say : (Stolen from Jen)
A leaf out of the fairytale. Could not have scripted it better. The guy doing the commentary on the radio had actually got it better. Being the dickhead i am, i actually went to the MLB website to listen to the commentators narration when Manny let it fly...
" 1-oh.
Swing and a high fly ball.
Left field.
Manny Ramirez.
6-3 Boston"
I certainly did not want to jinx the Sox's run by talking about it but this is about as good a scenario to let fly by without talking. Its too tempting to resist.
By the way, I watched Manny's blast at the bar at the casinos at the Mohegan Sun reservation up by Uncasville. John had dragged me there for a nightout and i was down 150 early and was by the bar watching the last inning with other Sox supporters. The atmosphere was unreal. Both the leadup and the aftermath. All of us were already jumping up and down in excitement when they walked Papi. We started shouting and screaming and hugging and hi-fi'ing each other as Manny let this fly. "9 more to go" said the eternal optimist. "The better team won" said a frustrated yankee fan." We started a " Yankees Suck, yankees suck" chant that echoed across the casino hall.
They were saying in the news the ball was eventually found the next day by the shoulder in Mass Pike.
I was quite vetti at work yesterday and started to do a Red Sox collage. I will upload it later when i am done with it. It's quite not coming off the way i want and i dont want this post sitting in the drafts till then.
Lets go Red Sox.
8 more to go.